Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I have been working in the garden a lot this year and am really enjoying it.  But before you get the wrong impression, I hired someone to help me clean things up so that I could enjoy the fun and pretty stuff.  That hasn't kept me from knitting and reading, though. 

I finished my Seahawk socks.  And then I started the Red Robin Shawl in a really fun yarn.  It's called Supernova from the Knitted Wit on Etsy. 

It's so much fun to watch the colors change and the pattern isn't too hard so far. 

I've been reading the Miss Silver mysteries by Patricia Wentworth, an English author who wrote classic English mysteries in the 1920s through the 1960s.  They are good stories, but not too taxing.  Just right for my current mood.

I've really been feeling good and doing more, for which I'm grateful to the Lord and to summertime and a new anti-depressant.  I'm sharing this in the interest of keeping things real and taking away the shame from mental and emotional struggles.  Anyway, I'm glad for the sweet days of summer.   I hope you are enjoying yours, too.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog. Today has been incredibly difficult and so I found your words a comfort.
    Thank you.
